Thursday, September 17, 2009  10:25 AM

Beautifully wrought fashion

This morning, somehow found its way into my browser and I finally paid my tribute to the currently ongoing New York Fashion Week as I popped little nuggets of chocolate into my mouth - note: the chocolate habit is very bad, I need to start kicking it but somehow endorphins are highly necessary while at work and the cartons of tudor gold lying around the office make it impossible to resist happiness.

Well, in particular, I was reading an article about Marc Jacobs' 80's look at fashion week as they drew inspiration from Whitney Houston's heydey. It's amusing because just yesterday over lunch, my intern asked me how fashion trends start and who decides it and I was trying my best to educate her with my puffed-up knowledge on the subject, much of which is just what I gathered from the powers of observation and deduction - not that I actually really knew.

Marc Jacobs' confirmed it though, fashion trends go round and round in cycles and there is never one set trend for the season, it's simply who comes up with something that hits the shops first and the rest of the brands follow suit, somehow. Like how super shoulders are in this season, and how I think anyone skinny should pull off that look - yet florals haven't gone away since its sudden inception in late 2007 - early 2008, and those gladiator sandals are still around, just that they've morphed into tamer versions and varying shapes. It's like a game of luck and chance on how long that particular trend will last.

I loved the Marc Jacobs collection, to say the least. Bubblegum peppy, all bright colours and mismatched patterns. It was all about hybrid stuff, bootie platform sneakers and lacquered neon strappy wedges, and what looked like the child of an espadrille and a Converse. To me, that's what fashion is. Breaking boundaries and not sticking to one boring archetype. Who said stilettos have to forever be stilettos, and boots boots, and sneakers made of rubber and thick soles? Fashion needs a change and a revamp, and we need to start breaking rules.

That being said, I admit it would be hard to wear a Marc Jacobs' get-up downtown in this country and not be stared and scrutinised to no end. If New York remains our goal with it being the financial centre of the world, maybe we should start taking a cue from its fashion statements.


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Wednesday, September 16, 2009  9:57 AM

Dreams be dreams

How did it get to mid-September so quickly is beyond me, it's like time passes doubly fast when you're working. This year has flown by like a tunnel which accelerates time, just a few months ago I was rushing my final-year-project and suddenly I'm sitting here in my Ikea-like shophouse office churning out a press release for men's beauty products. It feels rather segmented, or slightly disconnected somehow, like that was a life I left behind, only for now, but I'll somehow go back to it again. Much like an internship, but it's not. This is for real now and I'm not sure how much I like it. Perhaps it's a path of self-discovery, maybe I'm just not one of those motivated career women on top of their lives at every minute, having their work days drive them forward. No, instead I'm struggling to drag myself out of my comfort cocoon every morning, and I'm pretty much in my half-drugged daze all the way until 11am. So much for convincing myself I'm a morning person.

The only thing I think of every morning that makes me happier is the fact that working in chinatown reminds me of mong kok, and the cacophony of sounds, smells and the old man shouting into his mobile phone on the street puts me in a two-second trance of being in hong kong.

If I could see my life in an idealised glinted state, it would be a box full of a myriad of travel destinations, home parties, constant lunches and dinners with friends and loved ones, long conversations under the stars, writing my own book, styling and writing for a magazine, counselling youths, playing with children, learning to bake in an open-concept kitchen, designing shoes and swimming in the Pacific ocean. Maybe I should have thought of all these things before I succumbed to the magnetic force called peer pressure to find a job.

But I'm not unhappy, this job is not bad to be honest. I just have whimsical dreams.


Speaking of dreams, last night's was vivid and I can't stop thinking about it even after three hours of waking up. Why did I dream of you and in that fashion? I'll never understand what happened, by this I mean, with us in reality.

Work, drool, a bespectacled friend, wrapped up in a thick blanket, the hug, the scary slide with the ninety cents entrance fee.

I never quite have nightmares or bad dreams, they occur rarely. But I always end up having dreams to the point that I wish it were a real existence. I wish I could fuse them together, and call it my own life, instead those happier ones are simply figments of my imagination.


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