Monday, December 25, 2006  10:42 PM

Emmanuel has come

Christmas is about His glory
Christmas is about His grace
Christmas is a gift of love
Our Father gave us
More than just another story
About a special time and place
Christmas is a time to lift a song of praise

For God is with us
And we celebrate the glory of His presence
Christ has come to fill our hearts with love
He came to save us
King of kings and Lord of lords
His name is Jesus
God with us
Emmanuel has come

Angels fill the night with singing
God is reaching out to man
Bringing us a gift of hope in Christ our Saviour
More than just a time of giving
This is God's eternal plan
And Christmas is the reason we can sing again

This has been a perfect Christmas in alot of ways - feeling God's presence settle during carolling, two wacky Settlers sessions making Cranium my all-time favourite game alongside Taboo, the wonderful Christmas service, the heartwarming YAG gathering, Christmas dinners and the GG Princesses From Exotic Lands tea party. I have alot of stories to tell this Christmas, but Meta beckons tomorrow so the tales shall come later.


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Saturday, December 16, 2006  1:11 PM

Once upon a December

In a nutshell -

I have been watching an amazing amount of television, simultaneously indulging in four Hong Kong drama serials and Grey's Anatomy.

I have been having the funniest mixed-up dreams as a result of too much television, including one where a famous Hong Kong celebrity told me he was secretly Singaporean.

I'm also learning new Cantonese phrases from the television, the greatest language educator of all time.

I have been trying to visualise outfits for Hong Kong so packing will be much easier in the next few weeks.

I'm trying my hardest to stop shopping here so I can buy clothes in Hong Kong, but that resolve hasn't been too great because of the MNG sale and Topshop vouchers I have.

I have to go for a medical checkup for Hong Kong soon and I'm scared to death because I'll have to take a jab. The only thing worse than jabs are cockroaches.

The best friends from UK are back so I'll be busybusybusy the next few weeks.

I'm still apprehensive about being a team leader at Meta camp this year although I do have a fantastic group.

I just discovered H & M will be opening in Hong Kong in March 2007! This tops the list as the most exciting news so far;

I should start a petition for Victoria's Secret to be opened too so I don't have to keep ordering online and I'll actually get to enjoy the beautiful packaging.

I must get down to writing Christmas cards and buying presents.

I can't wait for Christmas - turkey, roast beef, lamb, fairy lights, gold gift-wrap with black satin ribbons, carolling, the Christmas church service, Secret Santas and love.


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Tuesday, December 05, 2006  4:37 AM

Spontaneous suppers, starlit skies

As Jan put it, holidays screw up your entire body clock. Which suits me fine, because I love waking up late with the sun in its midday glory and thinking about all those people that have already been at work for the last 4 hours. Suppers like those this morning are little things that will make me smile in years to come and it also affirms my status as a 20-year-old, and this is what we do - deciding to go to HK cafe at 2am in the morning with Jan's newfound driving freedom, although we concluded that her dad must have been dreaming when he let her take the car out so late. So after cups of' 'the best milk tea in HK', sichuan spicy soup and pork chop rice, after much laughing in sync and many conversation topics later, I'm finally home and waiting for my hair to dry.

The GG sleepover was another holiday special, like how Groundhog Day is always shown on New Year's Day - a definite must-have. It was a night of many unglamourous shots which will never see the eyes of anyone else other than the four of us, and we learnt to accept the truth of ugly photographs. I think I have successfully embraced it, judging from the horrifying tissue auntie photograph of myself which I would normally have deleted immediately. Of legs, butts and explosions, my trusty camera saw it all that night. And under the cloudless sky dusted with bright stars that night, we sat at the unofficial GG spot at Bench 1b and stared into the balmy night as we launched into trashy songs that we still remember the lyrics of and talked, never tiring of the same conversation topics that always come up inevitably. We have such hopeful plans for the future, backups we like to call them, although sometimes they sound more enticing than the normal ritual.

The morning after was funny. After much talk about waking up late, Gen insisted I stole her blanket and thus she was forced up because she was cold. On the contrary, I barely slept that night as well because I was too hot and I remembered kicking the blanket aside. With both tales told, we both fell sick soon after. We talked while Gen knitted, and blasted the music when we decided it was time to make Kate and Scarlett share the same fate as we did. A side note to anyone who has a sleepover with Miss Bian - Kate's a true pig, she doesn't wake up even to the blasting of Britney Spears. When she finally did wake up, we trooped down to Macdonalds with Kate and I under the disapproving eyes of many in our sloppy pajamas. Photos and sausage mcmuffins should really be made the official start of every day.


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