Thursday, September 29, 2005 1:06 AM
my wonderful tutorial group.
I know I keep rambling on about school, but seriously, that's taking over my life right now. Next week, I've got stuff on for four out of the five modules I take. On Monday, deadline for the project plan for the computer course 108, as well as my journalism course 102 presentation on the Singapore press. And then, Wednesday spells doom with my mid-term for 101, "Introduction to Communication Studies", which practically requires you to absorb the entire textbook like a sponge. Thursday's Charity Movie Premiere Night for 111, which reminds me that ticket sales are still doing poorly. :( Things are looking bleak for me right now.
The only thing that I can say keeps me going in school right now are my friends from my tutorial group. They're such a great bunch and I thank God for letting me find this group of treasures whom I can most definitely click with in the perceptively Chinese-speaking school I've landed myself in. I can safely say that the only 100% English-speaking course in the entire school is mine. LOL. Felicia, Melissa, Janissa, Arefa, Jingli and Luq seriously make tutorials and university life a bit more like what it's supposed to be. And we're in the same tutorial group for everything, which just makes it perfect, seeing each other 24/7. HAHA. :) Not forgetting Rah and Shuyun as well, who keep me awake during lectures... *grin*
Back to 102 now. Journalism... ARGH. Stupid TT Durai.
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Friday, September 23, 2005 11:24 PM
bukit gombak.
School's really stressing me out. For one, we have a TON of projects to complete, and the sale of movie tickets for our community project in aid of the Breast Cancer Foundation's really disappointing. And next week, stupid Santiago expects a one and a half hour speech presentation from my group. He's really the most idiotic person ever. I mean, how the hell does anyone give a speech for one and a half hours?! That means our dry run itself has to be one and a half hours, not to mention the planning and scripting that has to go into it. Does he think we have so much time!? URGH. I think my entire speech class is ready to murder him.
Thank God for Friday nights. :) I am so glad the weekend is finally here. Went to Carl's Jr for dinner tonight with Mark, Sharon, Julienne, Joe and Joe's friend, Justin. The burgers are humongous! I had the smallest one and it was still gigantic. Although I think the beef patties could be thicker and they could cut down on the veg. LOL. Oh, that reminds me of this incident that happened on Sunday. Sharon, Julienne, Joe, Mark and I were on the train and we were discussing the names of the MRT stations, and how some names just sound really gross. Like, we were saying the only names that sound nice and decent are City Hall, Raffles Place, Orchard and Marina Bay etc, and the rest like Aljunied (sounds Indian), Boon Lay (fat name), Ang Mo Kio (Heartlander-ish) and alot of the other names of the MRT stations just sound really terrible. We were laughing our asses off in the train. And I was telling Shuhui about it, and we voted that the worst sounding MRT name in Singapore is Bukit Gombak. It simply sounds... fat and smelly and crude. HAHA.
You simply wonder why we cannot have nice sounding MRT names like Paddington or Covent Garden. I mean, even Tsimshatsui and Mong Kok sound cute. Not like, Bukit Gombak.
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Monday, September 19, 2005 8:31 PM
i miss ling.
Friendships that will last.
I miss Ling. For one entire year, the SALA sisters are not going to be able to hold sleepovers, go out shopping, eating, play truth or dare, go on holidays together... Not all together, at least. And when one is gone, something's just missing. It's this funny aching feeling in your heart when you know that a piece of it is missing. In this way, April, Ling and Sarah are already engraved in my heart and when they leave, it hurts. So it's one down, and Ling's gone for a year. In three weeks time, April goes and it's just down to me and Rah. I don't know how it's going to be like, but thank God I still have my youngest sister. :) I've never had siblings, so in a way, April, Ling and Rah are the sisters that I never had. I can tell them anything, and I know that I can just trust them with my life. April's the eldest sister, with that calm head of hers and always cooking for us and making sure we are well fed. She also gets bullied the most. HAHA. Ling's the third one, she's super stubborn and she snores (deep breathing according to her), but she's able to crack us all up with her endless instigation of bullying April. LOL. Rah's the baby of the four of us, she's small and cute and laughs at silly things like "boon hui", "peh peh" and "buku latihan". (And yes, I'm AM inspired by that Hong Kong drama serial, "Family Man", where it tells the story of four sisters.)
I hate it how everything is going to change. It seemed like just yesterday when we met during the China trip 2000, and how we were enjoying ourselves in SCGS. Even after that, when we went to different junior colleges, we knew that we'd still get to see each other often cos meeting up is never a problem in this small country we live in. But now, Ling and April have gone and are going away. And it's now a thirteen hour thousand over dollar problem we face with just to meet up again. No doubt, they're just a phone call or an email away, but they'll never be physically there for my twentieth, twenty-first and twenty-second birthdays, Christmases, Easters (Okay, we don't celebrate Easter together, but it's just to make it sound more sad) and other significant events. Hong Kong this year was amazing, it brought us closer together again and bonded us like it did in China. I'm so thankful for the three of them, I'm so thankful that God has blessed our friendship greatly over these five years.
*Just got an email from Ling. She's all fine and sounds like she's having fun... SIGH. Lucky her. London is way cooler than Singapore.
April, Ling and Rah are treasures found one in a million, and it's so hard to find a friendship where four girls are able to get along so well, and understand one another inside out. But I've found it, and it's here to stay. The next four years might be tough, but we'll still have the rest of our lives together. :)
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Sunday, September 11, 2005 1:06 AM
the importance of ic numbers.
I think the most useful piece of information you can ever acquire from your parents is their IC number. It truly gives you alot of freedom and independence in what you do, and you don't always have to ask their permission to do things. LOL. So since I was twelve, I've memorised both my parents' IC numbers and it has come in handy many times. For example, when you need to add channels on your cable television subscription. My dad is a real miser when it comes to the channels on cable, and the only thing we have at home are the news channels (which only he watches) and a few measly entertainment channels. (Well, we used to have many more channels, then he decided that he needed to cut cost.) Because I'm home this whole week for my one week recess break, I NEED THE TV. So being the independent, only daughter of his with the knowledge of his IC number, I call the cable television people and happily add the sports channels, and the Hong Kong drama channel to the subscription, also increasing his cable television bill by $22 every month. Of course, I did inform him AFTER I did it, and I told him I'll foot the extra charge. But knowing me, and knowing him, we'll all forget about the extra charge which I owe him. Haha. :) Having a daughter like me probably isn't too good for your current account.
Went for Ling's surprise birthday dinner tonight at Pizza Hut which her boyfriend, John planned for her. Really sweet boyfriend she's got, and could tell she was truly surprised and that she enjoyed herself tremendously. So happy for her, at least her last birthday here in Singapore for the next three years at least, was memorable. Then later on, April, Sarah and I went to East Coast Park's Coffee Bean to chill, cos April had use of her car! I love people who drive... Haha, I'm just kidding, just remember, I WAS your friend BEFORE you owned the car. SIGH. I'm sad though, this coming week is going to be the last week the four of us can hang out together, at least for the next year cos Ling's not coming back for an entire year. We're going to be split up, after the five years of amazing friendship, two of them are going to be in separate continents altogether! :( At least I'll still have Rah though...
The next week's going to be so packed, but despite the horrible workload and projects, this last week the four of us have together is probably going to be a week I'll remember for life. Because after this week, whether we like it or not, things are going to change.
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Thursday, September 08, 2005 4:54 PM
jon goes to army.
Jon went into the army a few hours back. I promised to pray for him while he's in there, and I really pray that God will continue to watch over him every minute of the day no matter what he's doing, whether sleeping, running, in the gym, doing stupid marching drills, going into the forest to do more army exercises... I pray that he'll be free from harm and that he'll also find good company to mix around with, people that he can depend on throughout the three weeks in BMT. :) And if Jon's ever reading this, thank you for the inheritance of the 'taboo cards' if ever something happens to you, but I think I should inherit it anyway regardless. LOL. You got your own special one taboo card already, and I think that's enough to last you the next two years. *laughs*
I've been in school for about seven weeks already, and it still feels slightly surreal although I'm getting used to the monotonous drone of things every week. I take five modules, out of which I'm lost in three of them. SIGH. I simply cannot understand IT and computer crap, and plus my favourite Korean professor decided to return to Korea this week, and so we're left with this guy with a distinct Singaporean-Chinese accent who decides to slang at every opportunity he gets. For goodness's sakes, he goes "liraeeelllly" instead of "literally", "speg-ta-gers" instead of "spectacles", and "a piss of paper" instead of "a piece of paper". I'm trying to control my laughter every lesson, and his geeky demeanour does not help either. My speech and presentation class is the worst thing in the world. I dread that class every single week when we have to give a speech, and it does not help that the teacher (I won't even label him a professor!) is the most uncredible grader in the entire universe. I miss secondary school days, and even kinda miss junior college, even though now I don't need to do any semblance of math or economics or science, but still.
In University, it's like everyone's suddenly grown up so much. We're doing projects that involve entire communities of people outside the school, and the stuff we talk about in my Journalism and Publishing course is way beyond what I'm used to, it really truly insults my intelligence because I know nothing. I need to read more, study harder and to just let God guide me to make it through the next four years. Or I'll really fall hard.
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1:29 AM
vcd marathon.
I'm counting down to my one week recess break, and since I declare Wednesdays after my dreaded speech classes the weekend, it is the weekend! LOL. For those who don't already know, I've got an hour of class only on Thursday and two hours on Friday, which by the standards of my course, is what you would call a 'slack' day. Which is why, my dear flatmate and I are having a VCD fest tonight, we're watching Hong Kong drama serials, but we're taking this prolonged break now to get some food since we're hungry, and also talking to Jon who's going into the army tomorrow!
Okay, back to the VCD's now. More updates later! :)
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