Monday, January 17, 2005 1:05 PM
happy new year.
new year. fresh start to blogger. i know i've been blogging less than i hoped to in the past year, well, yeah blame it on the exams, but more so, my "old habits die hard" procastinating, lazy nature.
i came onto blogger today, and to my horror, everything was in mandarin. i could barely locate the sign-in box with my limited knowledge of the language. and i'm thinking to myself, twelve years of learning the language and it all boils down to this? not being able to navigate a webpage in mandarin, and feeling a massive headache lurking just by looking at the messed-up page. anyway, if you're reading this, and know what the hell is wrong with my computer, you know what to do. CALL ME.
so i'm basically in the midst of looking for a job, and i have about four job interviews on hand for today and tomorrow. you won't believe how difficult it is to find a job on this overpopulated island, and still the government is still dogged about its birth incentives. do they really want everyone to remain unemployed? but then again, i have no qualifications whatsoever, but i will continue to have none if everyone refuses to give me a chance.
'A' levels are over, and my life is looking pretty aimless for the next six months. hey i expected myself to be partying day and night, and going for pedicures and manicures and lapping up the life of luxury. but here i am stuck at home in front of my damn computer waiting for my next job interview. on a more frightening note, i keep having repeated nightmares about my results and it scares me to death. in one of my dreams, i got a G for geography. a G?! for those who only know of A's and B's, that G in my dream was apparently worse than an F. that's how bad it got.
i want to remain in this period forever, it's like being in a vacuum, neither moving forwards or backwards, because i do not want to get my results back. so, i guess you could say, despite the occasional periods of boredom, life is pretty good. =)
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